The Muslim Rishis of Kashmir: A Lesson in Religious Syncretism

The origin of the Kashmiri Muslim Rishi Sufi order is lost in the mists of time. It was under Sheikh Nur-al Din or Nund Rishi that this order became popular during the early part of the 15th century. Nund Rishi is believed to have been mentored by the great Shaivite Yogini Lalleshwari or popularly known… Read More The Muslim Rishis of Kashmir: A Lesson in Religious Syncretism

LIVING TOGETHER: 17TH Century Maratha Empire, an Attempt at Harmonious Coexistence

While we Indians pride ourselves over the rich diversity of communities, race and religion that our country has, it also means dealing with differences and contradictions in the way we live, eat and pray. However there has always been a sense of, not just tolerance, but respect for these differences. This appears to be an… Read More LIVING TOGETHER: 17TH Century Maratha Empire, an Attempt at Harmonious Coexistence

The Warkari Movement I : Sant Dnyaneshwar-Beyond Brahmanical Tryranny

Since the 13th century, Pandharpur in Maharashtra became a birthplace of a religious movement which was born locally but had a universal appeal, going beyond caste and religious identity. This movement was given life to by a saint called Pundalik. According to Bahirat (4 p.6), Pundalik lived before the eighth century A.D. It is believed… Read More The Warkari Movement I : Sant Dnyaneshwar-Beyond Brahmanical Tryranny